Donate an Instrument

Why not donate your unused instrument to the Daniel Barenboim Foundation? For our music and education projects we need instruments of all levels, for young musicians of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, the Barenboim-Said Akademie in Berlin, and the Barenboim-Said Music Center in Ramallah. The investment in an instrument can be a huge hurdle, especially for families of our less wealthy students. By loaning instruments, we can significantly lower this threshold as well as giving them the chance to switch to a better instrument once their level of musicianship requires such a change.

All instruments given out as a loan by the Daniel Barenboim Foundation remain its property. All instruments will be checked, assessed, set up, and insured by the foundation, before they are made available to our students.

Many thanks to the following instrument donors:

Walter Scholefield, Zhenhua Ling, Madeleine Carruzzo, José Content (in memoriam), Axel Wilczok (in memoriam), Elena Bashkirova, Ingeborg Lichey (in memoriam), Anette Kohlen, Markus Strauch, Dr. Christian Zschocke, Claudia Lutschewitz.