
Enabling dialogue through musical education and concerts is a matter close to our hearts! In order to be able to realize and further develop our mission in the future, we depend on your generosity to implement the activities of our organizations and projects. Whether you are a company, a foundation or a private individual, whether you come from Germany or abroad – there are many ways to support the various activities of our projects and organizations.

Support us now

Donate by bank transfer to the account of the Daniel Barenboim Stiftung

IBAN DE 08100700000761892900 / BIC DEUTDEBBXXX

or via our donation portal at the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft by credit card, Paypal or direct debit

Partnerships at eye level

In our partnerships, we particularly value dialogue and learning from each other. What can we learn from you?


Would you like to work with us as a brand or company within the framework of a sponsorship partnership? We would be happy to discuss the concrete possibilities for our organizations and projects with you and adapt them based on your wishes and ideas.


If you would like to get involved as a foundation, we will prepare customized project applications. Upon receipt of the grant, you will receive a donation receipt issued by the Daniel Barenboim Foundation.


Would you like to support us on a regular basis? Then our circle of friends Barenboim-Said FRIENDS might be something for you.

Whichever way you choose, we thank you dearly on behalf of Maestro Daniel Barenboim.


Lisa Maria Schlinkmann

Director of Development / Daniel Barenboim Stiftung


T: +49 (0)30 2096 717-16

Daniel Barenboim Stiftung | West-Eastern Divan Orchestra | Barenboim-Said Akademie | Pierre Boulez Saal

Ferdinand und Andrea von Baumbach

Yusuf und Farida Hamied

Giorgio Napolitano

Ursula Reimann

Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur

Ingeborg Lichey

Jakob und Teena Stott

Hubertus und Christina von Baumbach

Johannes Wasmuth Stiftung

Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung

Sir George und Lady Iacobescu

Maria Bellmann

Arend und Brigitte Oetker

Robert Bosch Stiftung

Johann Scheerer

Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann

UNITEL Musikstiftung

The Fantastic Peach Foundation

Aventis Foundation

and the Barenboin-Said FRIENDS and all donors who wish to remain anonymous.

Why not donate your unused instrument to the Daniel Barenboim Foundation? For our music and education projects we need instruments of all levels, for young musicians of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, the Barenboim-Said Akademie in Berlin, and the Barenboim-Said Music Center in Ramallah. The investment in an instrument can be a huge hurdle, especially for families of our less wealthy students. By loaning instruments, we can significantly lower this threshold as well as giving them the chance to switch to a better instrument once their level of musicianship requires such a change.

All instruments given out as a loan by the Daniel Barenboim Foundation remain its property. All instruments will be checked, assessed, set up, and insured by the foundation, before they are made available to our students.

Many thanks to the following instrument donors:

Walter Scholefield, Zhenhua Ling, Madeleine Carruzzo, José Content (in memoriam), Axel Wilczok (in memoriam), Elena Bashkirova, Ingeborg Lichey (in memoriam), Anette Kohlen, Markus Strauch, Dr. Christian Zschocke, Claudia Lutschewitz.